Proudly servicing the community for over 25 years
Proudly servicing the community for over 25 years
Holy Name of Mary Parish
3a Mary Street , Hunters Hill
Date - Tuesday 03-05-2022
Service -10:30 am - 11:30 am
Chapel of the Resurrection, Andrew Valerio & Sons Funeral Directors, 177 First Avenue, Five Dock NSW 2046
Date - Monday 02-05-2022
Service -6:00pm
Field of Mars Cemetery
Quarry Road, Ryde
Streaming Start Time: 10.30am
Streaming Link:
Mi dispiace sentire che mia cugina Nancy e volata nel cielo,scusate se non ho potuto partecipare al vostro dolore, porgo le mie sentite condoglianze a tutta la vostra famiglia
We are deeply saddened by the loss of Nancy and our deepest condolences to Family from all of the Fanelli Family. Rest in peace
Cara Nancy la tuo morte a lasciato vuoto nel mio cuore, mi recordo sempre di te. Reposi in pace, da Vita and Franco Fanelli