Proudly servicing the community for over 25 years
Proudly servicing the community for over 25 years
St Thomas Catholic Church
182 High Street , Willoughby
Date - Tuesday 19-12-2023
Service -11:00 am
Chapel of the Resurrection, Andrew Valerio & Sons Funeral Directors, 177 First Avenue, Five Dock NSW 2046
Date - Monday 18-12-2023
Service -7.00pm
Frenchs Forest Bushland Cemetery
1 Hakea Avenue, Davidson
Streaming Start Time:
Streaming Link: Donations to the Leukaemia Foundation
Dear Lisa and Vincent our deepest sympathy to you both and your families. from Cousins Lina and Guy Ribera.
Dear Lisa and Vincent our deepest sympathy to you both and your families. from Cousins Lina and Guy Ribera.
Condolences to the family
Dear Maria & Frank and your Zia Luiga & Family
Our deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences to you all.
Sending our love and prayers, warmth and virtual hugs.
From Venera & Chris
Condoglianze per la famiglia e i suoi cari.
Nello con Anna, cugini di Vercelli _Italia.
Our deep condolances for your grave lost to Lisa, Karl and family, to Lisa, Vincent and family, to his aunt Luigia, to his sister Maria and family. From Anna and Pino Vaccarella and family.
Condoglianze a tutta la famiglia e ai suoi cari.
Nello con Anna , cugini di Vercelli _ Italia
Vi siamo vicini in questo triste momento, le nostre condoglianze.I vostri cugini dall’Italia Maria, Angelo e Valentina
Sentite condoglianze dai cugini di vercelli(Italia) Gianni, Giorgia, Alessia e Zia Germana.