Proudly servicing the community for over 25 years
Proudly servicing the community for over 25 years
Mary, Mother of Mercy Chapel
Barnet Avenue , Rookwood
Date - Thursday 16-11-2023
Service -12:30 pm
Chapel of the Resurrection, Andrew Valerio & Sons Funeral Directors, 177 First Avenue, Five Dock NSW 2046
Date - Wednesday 15-11-2023
Service -6.00pm
Rookwood Catholic Cemetery
Barnet Avenue, Rookwood
Streaming Start Time: 12.30pm
Streaming Link: Pin: 1214
Dear Eddy and Giuli, our sincere condolences to you and your family. Dear aunt, rest in peace. Nadia and Ersilia (nieces from Slovenia)
Cari Eddy e Giuli, le nostre più sincere condoglianze a voi e alla vostra famiglia. Cara zia, riposa in pace. Nadia ed Ersilia (nipoti dalla Slovenia)