Proudly servicing the community for over 25 years
Proudly servicing the community for over 25 years
St Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Forest Road , Arncliffe
Date - Thursday 12-01-2023
Service -1:00 pm
St Francis Xavier Catholic Church, Forest Road, Arncliffe
Date - Thursday 12-01-2023
Service -12.30pm
Woronora Memorial Park
121 Linden Street, Sutherland
Rest In Peace Zia Totta. I will cherish the days we all spent together forever.
My dearest mum, you were the most gentle loving soul that any of us could ever meet in this life. We miss you immensely. We love you forever. I pray that, when you passed away from this life, and in to the next, it was the Angels who carried you into the ever-loving embrace of Jesus, Our Lord and Saviour. May you dwell eternally in the house of God, always watching over us who remain here, for now, who live in the eternal hope of joining you one day. You will always live in our hearts and minds and loving actions. Every breath we take, will always echo with a resounding love that we shared. Knowing that you are now with all of our loved ones who went before you,gives me some peace. Goodbye for now, Ma. Love you. Our Lady of Mt Carmel, please care for mum. Amen.