Proudly servicing the community for over 25 years
Proudly servicing the community for over 25 years
All Hallows Catholic Church
2 Halley Street , Five Dock
Date - Thursday 21-09-2023
Service -10:30 am
Rookwood Catholic Cemetery
Barnet Avenue, Rookwood
Dear Pippo..thanks for the years of memories! Every time I hear Auld Lang Syne it reminds me of those wonderful new year’s eves we spent at your place with all the relos. Eating, playing tombola and then the countdown to midnight.
Thanks for the huge golden wooden key you carved for me for my 21st. The wonderful desk you made me for my 10th birthday. All the trips we did to Botany to bring me mum and Caterina to visit Nonna. Thank you godfather RIP